Tuesday, January 4, 2011

leroys' spelling

sorry people; my spelling is not the best; if one can edit entries it is so far beyond me ken. henceforth i will have sylvia check before i post.....leroy


  1. I have complete strangers point out my mistakes on my blog, and thats when i'm really trying hard to make it pretty. :) I've got Terry going on here and he's been reading. Maybe one day he'll have his own blog too. He can call it How a Dutchman Worries. ;)

  2. I don't think it really matters that much- if it did, you'd be pulling down an income from it, and have an editor!?
    Whatever you do, please don't let that get in the way of your stories!
    I saw a sign once that said:
    "Bad spellers of the world- untie!"
    It took me a minute to figure it out, and I've been laughing at it ever since!

  3. I love your stories Dad.
    Charley has been spending a lot of time drawing lately. A couple weeks ago he drew a picture of army men fighting in the war. Above one of their heads he drew a bubble and wrote "Bum!" in it. When I asked him who that man was calling a bum he explained that it did not say "bum" the man was shouting "Bomb!"
    It will reassure him to know that telling good stories and being a poor speller run in the family ;)
